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Washington, DC -- Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17) issued the following statement after a bomb exploded today at a Jerusalem bus stop, killing one and injuring dozens more. 

"Once again, the world is a witness to cold-blooded violence committed by Palestinians against Israelis.  I condemn today's cowardly terrorist attack in Jerusalem and express my deepest sympathies to the people of Israel, to the victims, and to their families.

During the last decade, terrorist attacks on Israeli buses, pizzerias, and so many other places became brutally commonplace.  Indeed, virtually one decade ago to the day (March 27, 2001), 28 Israelis were injured in a frighteningly similar attack on a bus in Jerusalem.  How sad it is that the Palestinians still have not learned that they will not earn their statehood through another peoples' tragedy and their own culture of death.

The brutality must stop.  The killers must be brought to justice, and the region will hopefully someday see peace.  Yet, that will never happen unless the Palestinians return to the bargaining table so that negotiations can begin again with Israel. 

Today, I call upon the Palestinian leadership to condemn and foreswear this and all other terrorist attacks, end incitement and glorification of past murderers, and join with the Israelis so that all people of this region can one day live in peace.”

Rep. Engel is a senior member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
