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Washington, DC--Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17) spoke on the House floor on Wednesday evening to express his support for the U.S.-Israel relationship, and to stand up for Israel's right to defend itself against the threats it faces.  Rep. Engel is a senior member of the House Foreign Relations Committee.

This comes in the face of Israel’s clash with protestors on a flotilla bound for Gaza. 

Rep. Engel has said, “The flotilla was not merely on a humanitarian mission. It was really a Trojan Horse designed to spark violence against the Israelis and force an international incident.   Their stated aim was not to distribute humanitarian supplies, but to violently force themselves through Israel's blockade of Gaza.  If their sole aim was to deliver food and medicine to the people in Gaza, they would have accepted Israel's offer to dock in the port of Ashdod and permit humanitarian organizations to distribute the aid after Israel inspected the cargo for weapons.   Hundreds of trucks filled with humanitarian supplies already enter Gaza every day.  Israel's blockade of Gaza doesn't affect that.” 

On the floor of the House, Rep. Engel explained how Israel deserves the right to defend itself, especially with terrorist organizations such as Hamas vowing to destroy Israel.  Some of the organizers of the flotilla have alleged links to Hamas and reportedly played a role in the attempted Millennium bombing in Los Angeles.

Rep. Engel’s comments also come on the same day the U.N. Security Council voted 12-2 to impose another round of sanctions on Iran for its illegal nuclear program – something which threatens the national security of the United States and Israel.  He also expressed disappointment that Brazil and Turkey voted to turn a blind eye to Tehran’s continued efforts to build a nuclear bomb and threaten free nations across the globe.