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Washington, DC -- Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17) voted against the four-year re-authorization of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) because of its New York/New Jersey/Philadelphia Airspace Redesign plan, and because of the anti-union provisions included in the legislation.  Rep. Engel has been fighting the reauthorization plan since its proposal became public back in 2007.  To view Rep. Engel’s comments on the House floor - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYlELmdzaM4&feature=youtu.be

“I protested the plan from the beginning, and will always protest the FAA's flawed strategy.  Back in 2007, I held a forum in Rockland with FAA officials, who heard over 1,200 residents speaking in opposition.  Those voices are still speaking out against the plan.  I have pursued this matter with the FAA, with U.S. Transportation Secretaries Norman Mineta, Mary Peters, and now Ray LaHood, and I continue to be outraged at the decision to direct even more flights over my district.  The FAA tried to sneak this through by not holding public hearings in Rockland, but only quietly holding them in New Jersey.  The FAA has never acted in good faith with the people of Rockland, and that continues to this day.

“My district deserves better than to be forced shoulder the burden for the FAA.  The noise and air pollution will increase for them, and it is unknown how this will affect the disproportionate rate of childhood asthma in my District. While the modernization of our aviation system is necessary, it should not be exempt from environmental studies, and it should not be allowed to progress at the expense of the quality of life of hard-working families.

“If the redesign wasn’t enough to oppose the bill, the changes made to the National Mediation Board made it easy to vote no.  As the son of an ironworker, I know that unions are essential to improving the lives of lower- to middle-income families, and to strengthening the wages and benefits of our workers.  We should avoid making it harder for workers to exercise their rights to engage in collective bargaining.  Unfettered control by management has proven to be disastrous in the past.  Vital changes to our lifestyle – the 40-hour work week, minimum wages, weekend and vacation time, the end of child labor, and a safe workplace – are due to the checks and balances provided by unions.  This demonization of organized labor needs to stop, and has no business being in this reauthorization.”

The Conference Report – the agreement between the House and Senate - passed the full House 248-169, with massive Republican support.  It now goes to the Senate for passage.
