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Washington, DC -- Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY17) on Wednesday spoke out against the “irresponsible bills” being pushed by the Republican majority which would exclude millions of women from the private health care they have today.   This would prevent them from using their own money for medically necessary procedures, even if their life is in danger. The bills, “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act” (HR 3) and the so-called “Protect Life Act” (HR 358), would endanger the lives of millions of women.

“If these irresponsible bills become law it would put the lives of millions of women at risk,” Rep. Engel said.  “It is ironic that a bill titled ‘protect life’ could result in the inevitable loss of life.  These bills are the Republican Majority’s opening salvo in their determined quest to dismantle the existing law protecting a woman’s right to seek medical assistance for her own body.  Make no mistake, these bills may pass the House and then go nowhere, but this is not going to stop their attempts to pass more extreme legislation to advance their social agenda,” said Rep. Engel, a senior member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Health. 

This week, the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution held a hearing on H.R. 3. This bill that would take comprehensive private health insurance coverage away from millions of American women, even those who face serious health problems from a pregnancy; impose new tax penalties on individuals and small businesses that purchase comprehensive private health insurance coverage; and take away existing coverage protections for women with life-threatening pregnancies.

Today, the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health held a hearing on H.R. 358. This would cut off millions of American women from the private health insurance coverage they have today by effectively banning abortion coverage in state-based health insurance exchanges established under the health care law.  It would also prohibit states from ensuring that women have access to information about how to get access to abortion services.

“This is the Republican Majority’s ill-advised plan to refight the culture wars of the past.  Americans have said loud and clear that jobs and the economy are their priority.   Yet, in their first 30 days, the new Republican majority has not introduced a single bill to address that.  We have an energy policy in need of reform, an education system desperate for attention and a broken immigration policy.  And yet, we are instead spending the taxpayers’ time once again in a debate about how much freedom a woman has to control her own health.  Congress needs to get its priorities in order and move forward,” added Rep. Engel.

Rep. Engel has been a longtime supporter of women’s reproductive rights and has a 100% voting record from Planned Parenthood, WCLA (Westchester Coalition for Legal Abortion) – Choice Matters  and NARAL Pro-Choice America.  “For a party that rails against government intrusion in people’s lives, the Republicans want the federal government involved in one of the most personal decisions made by women and their families.  For me that is the height of hypocrisy” added Rep. Engel.

“Instead of creating jobs or tending to the economy, these congressional anti-choice extremists are grabbing headlines by attacking women’s health and rights. This Republican-controlled, newly-elected Congress not only wants women to lose comprehensive private health insurance and face possible tax penalties, they believe doctors and hospitals should be allowed to do nothingto help pregnant women if providing emergency care would involve terminating the pregnancy. We thank Congressman Engel for being an outspoken advocate for women’s comprehensive health care, and for fighting back against this extremist agenda and the zealots who want to turn back the clock to a time when women were dispensable, and simply served as incubators,” declared Catherine Lederer-Plaskett, President, WCLA – Choice Matters.
