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Washington, DC -- Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17) questioned the Republican commitment to job and economic growth for the country in a statement about the January jobs report.  The unemployment rate dropped to nine percent, the 11th consecutive month of private sector job growth.

“In 2010, the Democratic Congress and President Obama were responsible for more job creation than occurred during the eight years of President Bush’s Administration – six of which included a Republican Congress.  That pattern continues today with the report that 36,000 more jobs were created, despite terrible weather conditions nationwide which crippled most metropolitan regions.

“In addition, manufacturing jobs rose by almost 50,000, the highest number in almost a year.  With the unemployment rate falling to nine percent, the economy is moving in the right direction.  This makes 11 consecutive months of jobs growth resulting in over 1.3 million private sector jobs added to the economy, the strongest private sector growth since 2006. 

“However, I am discouraged by the fact that Republican Leadership in the House has not listened to the number one concern of the American people – more jobs.  Instead of going full force into job creation, the first month of the 112th Congress has focused on re-opening old debates on the culture wars.  By voting to repeal the Affordable Care Act, Republicans made it clear that symbolic gestures are more important than job creation, reducing the deficit or the health of over 30 million Americans who would have lost coverage if the GOP has its way.  This is not what the American people have in mind. 

“We should have started this Congressional session by working on a jobs bill, but since the GOP opposed every jobs bill introduced last year, it should not be all that surprising.  They have still not presented the American people with a credible plan, or any plan, to create jobs and help the economy.  In fact, the repeal of Patients’ Rights would also kill many of the over 200,000 jobs recently created in the health care sector.  In fact, a report from Harvard University states the Affordable Care Act would create up to four million jobs over the next 10 years.  

“I encourage my Republican colleagues to focus less on political posturing and more on matters of importance.  Together we can make a difference for American families trying to recover from the recession.”
