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Washington, DC -- Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17) issued the following statement regarding the special Saturday session of the U.S. House of Representatives and the “sham” vote taken on a copy of the debt reduction plan being considered in the U.S. Senate.

The House voted down a copy of the debt plan Senator Harry Reid is proposing in the Senate, using a parliamentary device requiring a 2/3 vote for passage.  The House Republican debt plan would have failed last night if the same parliamentary rule would have been followed.  To view Rep. Engel’s floor speech today - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnTodT35UaI

“I wish I was surprised with the political theater we witnessed today in the House, but sadly, I am not.  While the Majority plays games on the floor of the House of Representatives, the American people, the business community and the world are checking their watches.  It is now three days and counting until we default on our obligations.  This is beyond belief.

“Meanwhile, the Tea Party wing of the Republican Majority refuses to understand the dangers of default, and refuses to accept victory.  They have gotten just about everything they have asked for, and yet they cannot bring themselves to say ‘yes.’  They spent four years voting no on every proposal brought up in the House and the Senate.  It seems the Party of No is back – and it makes me wonder if they should be called RepubliCANTs.  The only thing that was bipartisan in the House Friday night was that Democrats and some Republicans came together to vote against the debt measure.

“This is too important for any more political theater.  We still have time for a bipartisan solution to be reached.  The American people want it, the Democrats in the House and Senate want it, President Obama wants it, and I believe a great many Republicans want it.  We can, and we must, fund a solution to avoid economic catastrophe before it is too late.”
