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Washington, DC -- Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17) issued the following statement after President Barack Obama highlighted the Tappan Zee Bridge replacement as one of several transportation projects nationwide to be expedited through the permitting and environmental review process. Rep. Engel has been urging the White House to do so.  According to the Presidential memorandum, “improved coordination among multiple federal agencies will reduce the time needed to proceed from a Draft Environmental Impact Statement to a Record of Decision, potentially reducing the project timeline by multiple years.”

“I am glad the White House is listening to what I have been saying for a long time – the Tappan Zee Bridge project is one of the most important projects in the nation.  I have also repeatedly called for increased federal funds for transportation projects in order to stimulate the economy, create jobs and given much-needed attention to these types of infrastructure projects.  Transportation projects can serve as a necessary jump start to our economy, and the Tappan Zee Bridge project is one of the best examples.  Years ago, I secured federal funds for the study of the bridge and I will continue to advocate for moving this project along as quickly as we are able to.

“It is urgent that our nation begin repairing its structurally deficient bridges.  This will help us avoid tragedies such as the Minnesota bridge collapsed with its loss of life. The Tappan Zee Bridge is vital to the entire Hudson Valley region and New England, and its safety is paramount.  The New York State Thruway carries over 150,000 vehicles per day over it. Should the TZ Bridge collapse or have a structural failure, it would mean a significant loss of life, devastate the region’s economy, and cause a transportation nightmare.

“The project is still many years from fruition.  This in no way impacts the exhaustive process it takes for agencies to ensure the environmental and structural safety of the bridge.  But it means everyone will work together in a cohesive manner to avoid delays. Whatever form the final bridge takes, it must be environmentally sound and secure for the entire region.

“Recently, I personally inspected the bridge, and can attest to its need for repair and eventual replacement. The United States ranks 23rd worldwide in the quality of its overall infrastructure.  Not only is there a vital safety issue, but there are also hundreds of thousands of jobs at stake. China currently spends nine percent of its Gross Domestic Product per year on infrastructure investments.  India spends five percent of its GDP on infrastructure.  The United States invests only 1.9 percent.  This is not the way to be competitive in the 21st century.

“I call on my Republican colleagues to not be pennywise and pound foolish and to pass a robust transportation bill.  The Administration’s action today is a great first step, but we must join together in a bipartisan manner to improve our nation’s crumbling infrastructure, and put hundreds of thousands of Americans back to work.”
