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Washington, DC -- Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY17) criticized the Republican leadership for passing the so-called “Protect Life Act,” (H.R. 358), which is yet another attempt by the GOP to intrude on the private lives of American women and their families.  This latest bit of theatrics comes a few months after they attempted to strip Planned Parenthood of funding for health services, and tax women and businesses for the health insurance they purchase.

The Republican Party has long been the party of ‘no.’ They continue to bang the drum that government should ‘stay out of our lives.’  However, the Party of No is once again trying to have their government tell women what to do with their bodies.  The party that says government creates too much regulation and is too intrusive is once again interfering with a woman’s right to choose.  They are assaulting the existence of the Environmental Protection Agency for being too intrusive into the lives of business, but they have no problem interfering in family planning.  Once again, the House of Representatives wasted time arguing over a law that already exists - the Hyde Amendment,” said Rep. Engel, a senior member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Health.  “The House voted today to pass the so-called “Protect Life Act,” (H.R. 358).  This is not on a jobs bill, not a transportation and infrastructure bill, nor legislation to grow our economy and put people back to work.  It is a shameless pander to their most extreme supporters.”

“For a party, who repeatedly claims to want to limit governmental reach into the private lives of Americans, Republicans keep trying to force their way into the most private and personal discussions a woman can have.  It used to be just ironic to see them claim to covet life, but ignore to a mother’s life.  Now it has just become tragic,” added Rep. Engel.

To view Rep. Engel’s comments from the House floor - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9_fpyRW_O0

 “What’s worse, this cruel legislation actually goes so far as to permit hospitals to refuse to provide an abortion to a woman in order to save her life.  Where is their ‘protect life’ mantra when talking about the mother’s life?” said Rep. Engel.
