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Washington, DC--The following is a statement from Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY-17), a senior member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Health, regarding the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)’s findings that McNeil Consumer Healthcare knowingly used bacteria-contaminated materials to make certain products. McNeil recently recalled 43 children’s products by, including certain infants and children’s liquid Tylenol, Motrin, Zyrtec and Benadryl. Rep. Engel had previously announced that he had invited to meet with McNeil executives to discuss the situation.

“News from the FDA that the company knew about the contaminated products but still put them out on the shelves to be consumed by our children makes this story much worse and deserving of Congressional investigation. I am asking that the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations hold hearings and require McNeil representatives to explain their actions. We recently asked Toyota what they knew and for how long they knew it. The question seems to be more appropriate to ask McNeil as well.

“Thankfully, the FDA’s report also states that while the risk levels in the medication are remote, it does not change the underlying issue – they made and sold medication that was tainted. This time, the risk is low. What would have happened the next time if this wasn’t caught? While we are all lucky that this batch appears to be low risk, I for one do not want to gamble on a sixth McNeil recall this year.

“I find it unfortunate to have to take this step, but it is completely unacceptable that a company would knowingly sell children’s medicine with any level of bacteria. For that, Congress must step in and get to the bottom of the situation.”
