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Washington, DC--Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17) met with 11-year-old New York resident Olivia Bouler, who has raised an astounding $170,000 and counting, to be donated to several organizations for wildlife recovery in the Gulf of Mexico.  She has also accumulated over 26,000 fans to her Facebook page, Save the Gulf: Olivia’s Bird Illustrations.

“I was honored to meet with Olivia, her six-year-old brother Jackson and her extraordinary family.  They are doing incredible things to help the wildlife who have been victimized by the BP oil spill in the Gulf.  It is people like the Bouler family, which makes all of the efforts being done here to hold BP accountable, clean up the spill and change the energy policy of our country to one of energy independence completely worthwhile.  If you ever believed that one person could make a difference, young Olivia is a perfect example.”
