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Washington, DC--Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17) celebrated the 40th anniversary of Earth Day today, and lauded the work of the Democratic Congress to promote a clean energy economy. The Democrats agenda will create jobs here in America, strengthen our national security, and help preserve the air we breathe and the water we drink. Rep. Engel is a senior member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, and a long-time supporter of environmental protection and clean energy initiatives.

“Earth Day encourages and honors countless acts by dedicated individuals to improve the quality of our communities, parks, waterways, and private and public lands. It also provides an opportunity for our country to focus on key challenges we will face in the future,” said Rep. Engel.

The Earth Day celebration includes events that span from the local to international levels. This year, Earth Day will culminate with a climate rally on the National Mall to urge Congress to adopt comprehensive climate change legislation.

“Clean energy will be the foundation of our nation’s future economic and national security,” said Rep. Engel. “The United States has been at the forefront of every major technological advance of the last century, and this Congress is working unleash American ingenuity so that we remain a global leader in the energy technologies that will fuel the 21st century.”

The Democratic leadership of the 111th Congress has made the clean energy movement a priority since 2007. The focus is to combat carbon pollution, reduce dependence on foreign oil, and stimulate the nation’s economy through green technology. This included passing the following legislation:

  • The American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES): This bill passed by the House this year would launch a new clean energy economy creating 1.7 million jobs, reducing the foreign dependence on foreign oil by five million barrels a day, keeping energy costs low for all Americans, and requiring a reduction in carbon emissions. Additionally, this legislation invests in new clean energy and efficiency technologies.
  • The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: This bill was signed into law in February of 2009 and invests $69 billion in clean energy. It provides a modernized electrical grid for energy efficiency, tax incentives to spur energy savings and create clean energy jobs, and pledges a commitment to clean energy research.
  • Cash for Clunkers: This act jump-started the U.S. auto-industry and provided Americans with incentives to trade in older vehicles for new, fuel-efficient models to reduce emissions.

Earth Day was founded in 1970 by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, and prompted the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency and the passage of the Clean Air, Clean Water Act. Senator Nelson’s accomplishment won him the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

“The 20 million people who took to the streets during the first Earth Day in 1970 represented a true cross-section of society, united despite their differences, to raise awareness for our planet’s well-being,” said Rep. Engel.

Rep. Engel continues to work to support environmental reform and to further clean energy initiatives within Congress. “We now await the Senate to act on this important issue and enable Congress to pass meaningful legislation before the year comes to a close,” said the 11-term Congressman.
