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Recovery Act Funding From Department of Energy Targets Efficiency, Carbon Reduction, and Green Jobs

Washington, D.C.--Congressman Eliot Engel announced that New York State will be receiving $29,760,600 from the United States Department of Energy’s (DOE) Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) program. The funding was made available thanks to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).

The EECBG program was funded for the first time by ARRA, and provides formula grants to states, cities, counties, territories and federally-recognized Indian tribes nationwide to implement energy efficiency projects locally. Projects eligible for awards include: the development of an energy efficiency and conservation strategy, energy efficiency audits and retrofits, transportation programs, the creation of financial incentive programs for efficiency improvements, the development and implementation of advanced building codes and inspections and the installation of renewable energy technologies on municipal buildings.

New York will use the funds to move closer to Governor Paterson’s goal of meeting 45 percent of the state’s electricity needs through improved energy efficiency and renewable energy by 2015. It is anticipated these projects will create hundreds of jobs statewide. Projects will address local priorities in energy cost reduction, building efficiency and transportation improvements, and the use of renewable energy in waste management practices. At least 60 percent of the state’s grant will be passed through to local cities and counties not eligible for direct EECBG awards.

“Earlier this year, the House passed The American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES). I believe the revamping of our nation’s energy policy will not only create millions of new clean energy jobs, save consumers hundreds of billions of dollars in energy costs, but also enhance America's energy independence, and cut global warming pollution. It promotes green jobs and promotes renewable sources of energy and clean electric vehicles. This grant for New York State takes these goals one step closer to fruition. We must have a new energy policy to finally free us from our dependence on foreign oil,” said Rep. Engel, the senior New York member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

Energy efficiency and conservation are vital to the nation’s needs, not only with regards to costs, but as it pertains to climate change and national security. Rep. Engel has introduced legislation to help break America’s addiction to foreign oil. The Open Fuel Standard Act (H.R. 1476) would require half of all cars made or sold in America by 2012, and 80% by 2015, to be flexible fuel vehicles. These vehicles would be able to run on gasoline, or alcohol-based fuels such as methanol or ethanol, or a combination of both. Alcohol fuels, including both ethanol and methanol; offer the potential for significant supplies of fuels that can be produced in the United States, and in other Western Hemisphere countries friendly to the United States.

“I will continue to fight for the Open Fuel Standard Act, portions of which were included in ACES. Flex-fuel vehicles allow for competition and consumer choice in the transportation fuel market which would serve to end oil’s monopoly in the transportation sector, strip oil of its strategic status, and protect consumers from price gouging at the pump. Flex-fuel vehicles are estimated to cost only $100 more than the same car in a gasoline-only version. Some experts say the added cost could be as low as $30. It is a simple and inexpensive modification that should be standard in cars, like seatbelts or airbags,” said Rep. Engel.

“Grants, such as this one, which invests in energy solutions will strengthen our economy and create jobs at the local level,” said Rep. Engel. “It will lay the groundwork needed for an America which is energy independent. I want to thank President Obama for having the foresight to include in ARRA such funding which finally addresses our long-ignored energy crisis,” added Rep. Engel.
