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Washington, DC--Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17) announced that $525,000 has been preliminarily appropriated to organizations in Rockland County in the FY 2011 Commerce, Justice and Science Appropriations bill. 

The funding is for the following groups:

  • Rockland Family Shelter - $125,000 – to provide no-cost legal representation in Family Court and other proceedings for battered women.
  • Ohel Children - $400,000 – to assist an at-risk youth and child abuse prevention program.

Rep. Engel said, “These organizations each provide a vital service for the people of Rockland County and I am very pleased to assist them better serve the community.  Rockland Family Shelter has been the last safe haven for many women over the years, and this program just adds to the great work they do.  Ohel Children also helps those facing the horrors of abuse, and the work they do for children is priceless.  Each of these projects stands on its own and I look forward to continuing to work in Congress to move these projects along.”

Rockland Family Shelter Executive Director Carolyn Fish said, “We cannot thank Congressman Engel enough for appropriating these funds to Rockland Family Shelter.  Legal representation in DV (Domestic Violence) and Family Court is imperative in helping battered women and their children obtain safety and justice.  These funds are much needed and will help us continue our work in the community.”

This action was a preliminary step in a long process. The bill will now be considered by the full House Appropriations Committee, and then the full House. The Senate is also working on their version of the bill.

Rep. Engel added, “While this is only the beginning of the Appropriations process, I feel very good that funding for these important programs was included in this measure. I will continue working with my colleagues to ensure this funding is preserved as the bill moves through the legislative process.”
