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Washington, DC -- Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17) issued the following statement following President Barack Obama’s signing of the repeal of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy.

“Finally, the DADT policy, which has limited the rights of gay men and women service members, is no longer.  Over 70 percent of Americans supported the repeal, as did military leaders and the majority of both Houses of Congress.  The support for repeal has been there for months, and in many cases, for years.  Courts have declared it unconstitutional, and our military has lost some very good people for no good reason.  Finally, the Senate minority caught up with the American people and a few Republicans voted on the side of equality and civil rights.

“Regardless of the bumpy road which took us to this day, one thing is for sure, this is a great day for America’s military, gay men and women, and for everyone who cares about the fundamental American belief that all people are created equal and deserve equal rights under the law.    

“Bravery and dedication have never been solely possessed by heterosexuals.  As the 1964 Republican Presidential Candidate, Senator Barry Goldwater, said, ‘You can be gay and still shoot straight.’  Finally, the ability to shoot straight will be the only thing that matters.”
