
Schrader Joins Bipartisan House, Senate Members Urging Super Committee to 'Go Big' on Deficit Reduction

WASHINGTON -- Congressman Kurt Schrader today joined Democrats and Republicans from both the House of Representatives and Senate in a press conference to display solidarity in urging the Joint Select Committee, or Super Committee, to "go big" on deficit reduction. Earlier this month a bipartisan group of over 100 House Members sent a letter to the Super Committee calling for a big, balanced plan to reduce the deficit by at least $4 trillion over the next ten years, mirroring a previous bipartisan letter sent by 45 Senators weeks earlier.

"It is critical at this point for the Super Committee to find at least $4 trillion in cuts and revenues to balance our budget for future generations and to get our economy back on track immediately, so that businesses regain the confidence to invest and create American jobs," Schrader said. "$4 trillion is the minimum amount necessary to keep interest rates down, avoid another downgrade in our nation's credit and put the United States back on a path of fiscal responsibility."

Schrader believes that all deficit savings need to come in a balanced and fair manner, deriving from equal discretionary spending cuts to defense and domestic spending, increased revenue from tax reforms, and decreased long-term cost growth in entitlement programs.

With only a week left before the Committee's deadline this bipartisan, bicameral group has called the need for the Committee to "go big" as vital to our country's future.