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Rep. Paulsen Named ‘Taxpayer Hero'


Rep. Paulsen Named ‘Taxpayer Hero’
Members of Congress honored in the fight for fiscal responsibility in Washington

Washington, D.C. – Representative Erik Paulsen (MN-03) was recently named a ‘Taxpayer Hero,’ by the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste (CCAGW), a nonpartisan public education organization whose mission is to advocate for the elimination of waste and inefficiency in government.

“Serving hard working American taxpayers is a privilege I have as a Member of Congress,” said Paulsen. “I am proud to be a recipient of the ‘Taxpayer Hero’ award, and proud to stand up for Minnesota’s taxpayers.”

The CCAGW’s Congressional Ratings are based on 120 roll call votes taken during the 111th Congress in the United States House of Representatives.

“It’s critical that the federal government cut wasteful spending, stop bailouts and operate under a balanced budget. I look forward to continuing to stand up for American taxpayers and working with my colleagues in Congress to restore fiscal discipline in Washington.”

Paulsen, a staunch supporter of fiscal discipline and an advocate against wasteful government spending, is a member of the House Financial Services Committee and co-chair of the House Med Tech Caucus.

For more information on Rep. Paulsen’s work in Congress, please visit

