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Rep. Paulsen earns "Friends of Farm Bureau" Award

Washington, D.C. – Representative Erik Paulsen (MN-03), was today named a “Friend of Farm Bureau” by the American Farm Bureau Federation in recognition of his support of agriculture and Farm Bureau issues.

“Few states in America are more readily identified with farming or have a richer agricultural tradition than Minnesota and I am honored to receive the ‘Friend of Farm Bureau’ award from the American Farm Bureau Federation,” said Rep. Paulsen. “The agriculture industry continues to be one of America’s most important industries – providing hundreds of thousands of jobs. American farms are responsible for feeding the world, will continue to do so for generations to come, and that’s why I support American – and Minnesota! – agriculture at every opportunity.”

The Friend of Farm Bureau award is given at the end of each Congress to those members of Congress who were nominated by their respective state Farm Bureaus and approved by the American Farm Bureau Federation Board of Directors.

This award is based upon voting records on AFBF’s priority issues established by the Board of Directors, number of bills that a member has sponsored and co-sponsored, specific leadership role for Farm Bureau on priority issues, and how accessible and responsive that member is to Farm Bureau members and leaders. In addition, the state Farm Bureau lists any other specific reasons why that member should receive this award.

For more information on Rep. Paulsen’s work in Congress, please visit
