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Rep. Paulsen Authors Legislation to Aid Law Enforcement

Rep. Paulsen Authors Legislation to Aid Law Enforcement
“Text a Tip” Act brings local law enforcement closer to the communities they serve

Washington, D.C. – Representative Erik Paulsen (MN-03) today introduced legislation that will aid law enforcement agencies in connecting with their communities and stopping crime. The “Text a Tip” Act, bipartisan legislation cosponsored by Representative Jim Langevin (RI-02), creates a federal grant program to aid local, county and state law enforcement agencies in developing a gateway for citizens to send tips and information via cell phone.

“Text a tip” technology, which works alongside existing hotlines, allows users to send anonymous messages and open a two-way dialogue with law enforcement officials. Information is first sent by concerned citizens via text to the tip number. The message then has all identifying information removed by a third party who transmits it to a police dispatcher. Law enforcement officials are able to respond to the message and gather additional information about the crime being reported.  

“I am proud to introduce this legislation that will help law enforcement officials better connect with the communities they serve and stop crime,” said Rep. Paulsen. “We are fortunate to have this technology available to law enforcement, and it is my hope that this bill allows police departments across the country to quickly implement text a tip. This legislation is a great opportunity to let every citizen take an active role in helping to make our neighborhoods safer and aid law enforcement in putting criminals behind bars.”

Representatives Paulsen and Langevin join Senator John Kerry (D-MA), who recently introduced a similar Text a Tip measure in the Senate.

For more information, on Paulsen’s work in Congress, please visit

