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Paulsen: We Will Never Forget September 11th

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 11th, 2012

Paulsen: We Will Never Forget September 11th

Watch Entire Floor Speech

Washington, D.C.– Representative Erik Paulsen (MN-03) took to the floor of the House of Representatives on the 11th anniversary of the September 11th attacks to pay tribute to all those who lost their lives that morning and to the men and women of our armed forces who have put their lives on the line to defend our nation from further terrorist attacks.

“We will never forget where we were on that fateful morning eleven years ago on September 11th. The images of two giants falling towards earth will not only live on with those who lived through it, but will be reborn anew with each generation of Americans through images of terror and countless stories of courage and sacrifice.

Today we come together to remember those who lost their lives on September 11th in New York City, at the Pentagon, and on Flight 93, and to reflect on more than a decade of struggle to ensure future generations live free from the threat of terror.

We must also pay special tribute to those first responders and those who have – since 9/11 – donned the uniform of our armed forces and placed their own lives on the line to defend our country, and to the more than 6,500 who have paid the ultimate sacrifice.

So let us continue to keep those who’ve lost loved ones in our hearts and prayers and may we never forget September 11th.”
