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Paulsen Votes to Reduce Deficits, Pay Down the Debt


Paulsen Votes to Reduce Deficits, Pay Down the Debt
Proposal Will Strengthen the Senior Safety Net and Preserve it for Future Generations

Washington, D.C. – One day after voting for the bipartisan agreement enacting the largest spending cut in the nation’s history, Representative Erik Paulsen (MN-03) voted in favor of a FY 2012 budget resolution that would reduce deficits and ensure that the federal government lives within its means. This plan guarantees  Medicare is preserved and strengthened for future generations.

“For far too long Minnesota families have been tightening their belts only to watch the federal government continue to borrow 40 cents of every dollar that it spends,” said Paulsen. “This budget will put an end to the cycle of borrowing unsustainable amounts of money we don’t have by cutting wasteful Washington spending, reducing deficits and paying down the national debt. This budget also strengthens the senior safety net by preserving Medicare for future generations without any disruptions for those at or nearing retirement.”

“This agreement is just the beginning. In the past, both parties in Washington have been responsible for reckless spending and irresponsible budgeting. Making the government more efficient, showing respect to hard-working taxpayers and making the tough choices today will save our children from a future of debt.” Paulsen concluded.

More information on thebudget proposal can be found at

Paulsen, a champion of small business and advocate of free enterprise, entrepreneurship, and innovation currently serves on the House Ways and Means Committee, and is co-chair of the Congressional Korea-U.S. Free Trade Working Group and co-chair of the House Medical Technology Caucus.

For more information on Rep. Paulsen’s work in Congress, please visit
