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Paulsen to the President: Follow Through on Promises & Support Pro-Growth Policies


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 11th, 2012

Paulsen to the President: Follow Through on Promises & Support Pro-Growth Policies

Paulsen Presses For Action Following White House Jobs Forum

Eden Prairie, MN – Representative Erik Paulsen (MN-03), member of the House Ways and Means Committee, issued the following remarks after the White House’s  ‘Insourcing American Jobs’ forum where the President urged the nation’s corporate executives to keep jobs in America. Representative Paulsen has spent the opening weeks of 2012 meeting with constituents and more than 25 small business job creators in Minnesota’s Third Congressional District.

“I'm glad to hear the President discuss the need for more American innovation and jobs,” said Rep. Paulsen. “But, American families and job creators are looking for Washington to follow through on such promises with pro-growth job-creating policies.

“We need to ensure American innovation is not stifled by regulatory uncertainty and unpredictability. Regulators must stop moving the goal posts and pushing our innovators overseas.  Reforms at the FDA are needed to enable American firms to stay globally competitive at developing safe, life-enhancing products for U.S. consumers.

“With more than 400 high-paying medical device companies - employing more than 35,000 Minnesotans - now beginning to plan for the implementation of the Administration's job-crushing 2.3% tax on U.S. made medical devices, I encourage President Obama to act on initiatives such as my legislation to repeal the $20 billion device tax and common sense reforms at the FDA in order to keep high paying jobs in the United States.”

Find out more on Rep. Paulsen’s work on pro-growth jobs legislation by visiting

Paulsen, a champion of small business and advocate of free enterprise, entrepreneurship, and innovation currently serves on the House Ways and Means Committee, and is co-chair of the Congressional U.S.- Korea Free Trade Working Group and co-chair of the House Medical Technology Caucus.
