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Paulsen to Hold Medical Device Field Hearing in Indianapolis


Paulsen to Hold Medical Device Field Hearing in Indianapolis

Forum Includes Members of Indiana Congressional Delegation

Eden Prairie, MN – On Monday, October 24, Rep. Erik Paulsen (MN-03), co-chair of the House Medical Technology Caucus will hold a field hearing in Indianapolis on the state of the medical device industry with members of the Indiana delegation. The forum will include representatives from several of Indiana’s medical device community as well as patients who have benefited from these made-in-America technologies. Also attending the hearing are Reps. Todd Young (IN-9), Marlin Stutzman (IN-3), Todd Rokita (IN-4), Dan Burton (IN-5), Joe Donnelly (IN-2), and Brett Guthrie (KY-2).

“Minnesota and Indiana are fortunate to have life saving medical technologies developed in their states. However, whether in Minneapolis or Indianapolis, these jobs are being threatened by bureaucrats in Washington,” said Paulsen. “I look forward to holding this bipartisan hearing with my colleagues from Indiana and find ways to prevent yet another great American industry from heading overseas.”

Last week, Paulsen introduced the FDA REFORM Act (H.R. 3205) which would increase consistency and efficiency in the FDA’s third party review process. He has also introduced the Protect Medical Innovation Act (H.R. 436), a bill that would repeal the $20 billion medical innovation tax on device manufactures that was included in the 2010 healthcare law.
