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Paulsen Secures Key Funding for Minnesota National Guard


Paulsen Secures Key Funding for Minnesota National Guard

Funding for reintegration services, communications upgrades for state emergencies

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 16, 2009
CONTACT: Luke Friedrich (952) 405-8510 / Andrew Foxwell (202) 225-2871

WASHINGTON –  The U.S. House of Representatives today approved funding secured by Congressman Erik Paulsen for two key Minnesota National Guard initiatives.  Paulsen’s request will provide funding for Minnesota’s innovative reintegration program, known as Beyond the Yellow Ribbon, as well as funds needed for communications upgrades that will improve response capabilities during state emergencies such as floods and other natural disasters.   

“Along with providing critical reintegration services for our troops returning home, this funding will help improve our emergency response capabilities to protect Minnesotans,” Paulsen said. “The Minnesota National Guard is the best in the nation, and I was pleased to work with them on each of these important initiatives.”  

Paulsen made the requests on behalf of the Minnesota National Guard through the appropriations process this past spring.  Paulsen also worked with Senator Klobuchar, Congressmen Walz, Oberstar, Peterson, and Ellison on these requests.  They were approved by the House today as part of FY2010 Defense Appropriations Bill (H.R. 3326).  The bill now awaits action in the Senate. 

Details on the request are as follows:

·         Minnesota National Guard Reintegration Program:  $2 million

Funding will help meet the needs of the Beyond the Yellow Ribbon reintegration program for service members, which is implemented across all congressional districts throughout Minnesota and all phases of the deployment cycle. Next year, the Minnesota National Guard will experience a surge in support requirements as Minnesota soldiers return home from mobilization.   Funding will be used to support reintegration services for soldiers returning from mobilization, as well as services for family members.  Funding will support wounded soldiers, transition and mental health services, research and additional needs. 

·         Minnesota National Guard Communications for Increased Situational Awareness: $1.88 million

Funding will be used for the Minnesota National Guard initiative, Communications Aerial Platforms for Increased Situational Awareness (Phase II), which will provide improved situational awareness to on-scene incident commanders during responses to state emergencies such as floods or other natural disasters. The system provides on-scene communications linking together all response organizations; site command communication, including voice, video, data, and cellular; and real-time streaming data to responders; resulting in efficiency that will help saves lives and protect property.
