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Paulsen Provides Latest Health Care Bill to Constituents

Paulsen Provides Latest Health Care Bill to Constituents
3rd District Congressman works to ensure access to bill text to constituents ahead of possible vote this week
CONTACT: Luke Friedrich (952) 405-8510 / Andrew Foxwell (202) 225-2871
Eden Prairie – Congressman Erik Paulsen’s office is delivering the latest health care legislation – a massive 1,990 page document introduced late last week in the U.S. House of Representatives – to three separate locations today in order to ensure 3rd District constituents have access to a hard copy of the bill prior to an expected vote later this week. 
“At just under 2,000 pages, the latest version of the health care bill is even larger than the last bill,” Paulsen said.  “This bill will cost over $2 million per word and enact sweeping changes to our entire health care system.  With the U.S. House of Representatives expected to debate the bill and possibly vote on it as early as this week, every member of Congress needs to carefully review this bill - and I want to ensure my constituents have the same opportunity.”
The bill is being delivered to the following libraries in the 3rd District:
·         Southdale Library
7001 York Ave. S.
·         Ridgedale Library
12601 Ridgedale Dr.
·         Brookdale Library
6125 Shingle Creek Pkwy
Brooklyn Center
Paulsen is also providing an electronic copy of the bill to his constituents through his website via the following link:,16,128.
Watch Paulsen discuss this issue HERE.