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Paulsen Praises Passage of JOBS Act



Paulsen Praises Passage of JOBS Act

Bipartisan Legislation To Help Small Businesses Innovate, Grow, and Hire

Washington, D.C. – Rep. Erik Paulsen (MN-03) released the following statement after the bipartisan Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act passed the House by a bipartisan vote of 390 to 23.  This legislation will help get American small businesses, job creators, and entrepreneurs off the sidelines by removing costly regulations and making it easier for them to access capital.


“With unemployment still unacceptably high, it’s important that Washington put partisanship aside to help get Americans back to work. With the JOBS Act, we are giving small businesses – the backbone of our economy – the tools they need to innovate, grow, and start hiring again.” 


Paulsen, a champion of small business and advocate of free enterprise, entrepreneurship, and innovation currently serves on the House Ways and Means Committee, and is co-chair of the Congressional Medical Technology Caucus, as well as the U.S.–Korea Free Trade Working Group.


For more information on Rep. Paulsen’s work in Congress please visit

