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Paulsen Praises Approval of Key Funding for Minnesota National Guard

Paulsen Praises Approval of Key Funding for Minnesota National Guard
U.S. House of Reps. Passes funding secured by Paulsen, MN colleagues for reintegration, natural disaster response efforts


CONTACT: Luke Friedrich (952) 405-8510 / Andrew Foxwell (202) 225-2871

The first request approved was for the Minnesota National Guard Reintegration Program, which was awarded $2,000,000 and will support troops that are returning home from military activity and support.  The funding will be used specifically for wounded soldiers, transitional events, and health services, among other support crucial for reintegration.  This request was also put forth by four other members of the Minnesota delegation - Congressman Tim Walz, Congressman Keith Ellison, Congressman Jim Oberstar, and Congressman Colin Peterson.

WASHINGTON –Congressman Erik Paulsen (MN-03) today praised the passage of funding he requested and secured with members of the Minnesota Congressional delegation for two key Minnesota National Guard programs, one aimed at strengthening reintegration services for soldiers returning home and another for improving communications and response capabilities during state emergencies such as floods or other natural disasters.  These appropriations were part of the Fiscal Year 2010 Department of Defense Appropriations bill that passed the House of Representatives today on a vote of 400 to 30. 


“The Minnesota National Guard provides perhaps the best reintegration services in the nation,” Paulsen said.  “Our men and women returning home deserve our full support, and this funding will help ensure we continue to meet that commitment.” 

The second request for the Minnesota National Guard Communications for Increased Situational Awareness program, which was awarded $2,360,000 and will be used for a new National Guard initiative dealing with improving situational awareness to on-scene incidents in response to state emergencies – such as floods or natural disasters.  Specifically, the funds will help bring on-scene disaster communications to a new level, linking together all response organizations through a myriad of communications tools, which will increase response efficiency in order to save more lives and protect more property.   This request was also put forth with Congressman Tim Walz and Congressman Jim Oberstar.

“Minnesota has seen more than its fair share of natural disasters like massive flooding in recent years, and the National Guard plays a major role in responding to these emergencies,” Paulsen said.  “This request is aimed at ensure the strongest, quickest and most effective response for future disasters.” 

For more information on Paulsen’s work in Congress, visit
