Press Contact Information


Paulsen on The Tragedy in Haiti

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 12th, 2010
CONTACT: Luke Friedrich (952) 405-8510 / Andrew Foxwell (202) 225-2871

WASHINGTON - The earthquake in Haiti is a devastating tragedy and my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims, their families and the people of Haiti.  The United States has committed to offer its full support to the recovery effort, including an immediate investment of emergency aid.  I fully support these efforts. 

To assist constituents looking for more information, I’ve created a link on my website where you can find contact information, emergency phone numbers and links to volunteer opportunities.  Additionally, I encourage any and all constituents with questions or needs related to the tragedy to contact my office by calling (952) 405-8510 or (202) 225-2871. 

The American spirit of compassion has been shown throughout history during disasters such as this one.  Together, we can summon that spirit once again and help the victims of this terrible tragedy in the days and weeks ahead.  
