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Paulsen Joins Sunset Caucus to Eliminate Wasteful Government Programs

Paulsen Joins Sunset Caucus to Eliminate Wasteful Government Programs
Group unveiled today will provide for the permanent elimination, de-funding, or repeal of a federal program, agency, or department at a date certain

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Erik Paulsen announced he has joined the Sunset Caucus, a new Congressional caucus dedicated to protecting taxpayers and shrinking the size of government by eliminating wasteful government programs and spending. 

“As government spending and deficits skyrocket, the American people are looking for real action that will shrink the size of government and eliminate wasteful spending,” said Paulsen.  “For too long, politicians have merely paid lip service to these issues.  This caucus will push for action when it comes to eliminating government waste.”

The Sunset Caucus requires its members to identify one or more federal program that has outlived its usefulness or should never have been enacted and work to either repeal or de-fund the program. 

As a member, Congressman Paulsen will continue his work to halt payments from American ratepayers into the Nuclear Waste Fund.  Over $375 million in fees from Minnesotans and over $30 billion nationwide have been collected, only to be continually stalled by Washington politicians preventing the construction of a repository at Yucca Mountain. To date, the Yucca Mountain repository has not been built and the Administration has signaled it will not move forward with it.  Elimination of this program will ensure  Minnesota, along with 38 other states, are no longer forced to foot the bill for a service that is not being provided.

Some quick facts:

Just how overgrown has government gotten?

• The deficit has increased by $1.678 trillion or 1,035.8% in the little more than two years.

• The President’s budget calls for the public debt to double within five years and to triple within ten years. 

• This year’s deficit is projected to be $1.84 trillion—four times the next highest deficit in U.S. history. 

• The federal government will borrow 46 cents for every dollar it spends in FY 2009. 
