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Paulsen Joins Local Non-Profit in Promoting SNAP Program Reform Legislation


CONTACT: Rep. Paulsen - Philip Minardi, (202) 225-9203 or


Paulsen Joins Local Non-Profit in Promoting SNAP Program Reform Legislation

Spends Morning Visiting with Seniors Helped By Reforms

Eden Prairie, MN – Highlighting his recent legislation that ensures Minnesota’s low-income seniors receive the food they need to remain healthy and independent, Rep. Erik Paulsen (MN-03) today joined Roseville-based senior delivery company Store To Door in delivering  groceries to seniors in our community. 

Last month, Rep. Erik Paulsen (MN-03) and Rep. Betty McCollum (MN-04) introduced legislation aimed at ensuring Minnesota’s homebound seniors don’t go hungry by making it easier for senior citizens who use Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to utilized non-profit grocery delivery services. Their bill, The Enhancing Nutrition Services to the Elderly and Disabled Act, will update the current law so that homebound seniors can use SNAP benefits to pay for food provided to them by delivery services.

“By removing the red tape, we can make it easier for homebound seniors to utilize the services of non-profits like Store To Door, and can help ensure that the nearly 88,000 seniors in Minnesota who live below the poverty line have the opportunity to lead independent, healthy lives. I am encouraged by the bipartisan support our legislation has received, and will continue to work with my colleagues so that these programs remain a viable option for seniors in our community.”  

VIEW photos from the event HERE

Paulsen, a champion of small business and advocate of free enterprise, entrepreneurship, and innovation currently serves on the House Ways and Means Committee, and is co-chair of the Congressional Medical Technology Caucus, as well as the U.S.–Korea Free Trade Working Group.

For more information on Rep. Paulsen’s work in Congress, and for past segments of Erik's Correspondence Corner, please visit
