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Paulsen Introduces "Erik's Correspondence Corner" Video Series


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 14th, 2011


Paulsen Introduces "Erik's Correspondence Corner" Video Series

Washington, D.C. – Representative Erik Paulsen (MN-03) today launched a new online video series, Erik’s Correspondence Corner, in which he offers direct responses to questions sent in from around the 3rd Congressional District.  Each week, Rep. Paulsen receives thousands of emails, tweets, Facebook posts, and calls from Minnesotans voicing their opinions on an array of important issues.

“The best way to serve my community is to hear directly from my neighbors on the important issues of the day,” said Rep. Paulsen. “ This video series gives us the opportunity to ensure that constituents hear directly from me, and show them that their voice does matter.”

In today’s first installment, Rep. Paulsen responds to questions about the tax code and the economy.


The video can be viewed HERE.
