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Paulsen: Extend Deadline for Liberians in U.S.

Washington, D.C. – In speech on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives today, Congressman Erik Paulsen (R-MN) called for an extension of the deadline for Liberian immigrants currently living in the United States under Temporary Protected Status.   Without an extension, thousands of Liberians – including many living in Minnesota’s Third Congressional District - would be forced to leave the U.S. at the end of this month. 

“While progress has made in stabilizing Liberia in recent years, it remains a nation still recovering from a Civil War,” Paulsen said.  “Many of the same fears and concerns that brought thousands of Liberians here in the first place have not been alleviated.  Liberia is simply not ready to absorb the number of people who will be forced to leave the United States if this deadline is not extended.”  

Early last month, Paulsen sent a letter to President Obama urging him to reconsider the deadline by granting Deferred Enforced Departure for Liberians living in the United States.  

Full transcript of the speech is below. 

Transcript:  Statement of Rep. Erik Paulsen Before the U.S. House of Representatives

(March 5, 2009)                                                 

“Madam Speaker, Temporary Protected Status for Liberians living in the United States will expire at the end of this month.   

In my district, a thriving Liberian community is on edge as this date draws closer.  

I know many of them personally.  They’ve established homes, they’ve raised families, they’ve opened businesses and entered the fabric of our community and while progress has been made in stabilizing Liberia in recent years, it remains a nation still recovering from Civil War.

Unemployment is near 80 percent.  Democracy is in its early stages now, and we all know how challenging that process can be.  

Many of the same fears and concerns that brought thousands of Liberians here in the first place have not been alleviated.  

Liberia is simply not ready to absorb the number of people who will be forced to leave the United States if this deadline is not extended.

That’s why I sent a letter to President Obama last month urging him to extend the deadline by granting Deferred Enforced Departure for Liberians living in the United States. 

I am reiterating that call today and ask my colleagues to join this important effort.”

