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Paulsen Disappointed As Obama Administration Moves To Implement Job-Crushing Medical Innovation Tax


For Immediate Release: February 3rd, 2012

Paulsen Disappointed As Obama Administration Moves To Implement Job-Crushing Medical Innovation Tax

Placing more than 43,000 American Jobs at Risk

WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Medical Technology Caucus co-chair Rep. Erik Paulsen (MN-03) issued the following statement after the Treasury Department released its plan to implement the $20 billion tax on Minnesota-made medical devices. A recent study found that the medical innovation tax, which goes into effect in 2013, puts as many as 43,000 medical device jobs at risk. Rep. Paulsen is the author of the Protect Medical Innovation Act, which has 227 co-sponsors. The legislation would stop the tax from being implemented, improving patient access to cutting edge medical devices and protecting thousands of Minnesota manufacturing jobs.

“Today’s report from the Treasury Department further highlights the fierce urgency of repealing this job-crushing tax on innovation before it is too late,” said Rep. Paulsen. “Today’s move by the Obama Administration is further proof that the medical innovation tax will increase healthcare costs while putting thousands of jobs on the line. I look forward to working with House Leadership to schedule a vote on the Protect Medical Innovation Act before this burdensome tax takes effect.” 


Paulsen, a champion of small business and advocate of free enterprise, entrepreneurship, and innovation currently serves on the House Ways and Means Committee, and is co-chair of the Congressional Medical Technology Caucus, as well as the U.S.–Korea Free Trade Working Group.


For more information on Rep. Paulsen’s work in Congress, and for past segments of Erik's Correspondence Corner, please visit

