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Paulsen Cosponsors Legislation To Battle Child Trafficking

Paulsen Cosponsors Legislation To Battle Child Trafficking
Bill introduced today protects children by moving to eradicate trafficking

WASHINGTON – Congressman Erik Paulsen (MN-03) today announced introduction of The Child Protection Compact Act, legislation he is  co-sponsoring that seeks to end the terrible practice of trafficking children.  The bipartisan bill, authored by Reps. Chris Smith (NJ-04) and Carolyn Maloney (NY-14), represents a major advance in the eradication of trafficking and exploitation of children in developing countries.  It is estimated that over 150 million children around the world are victims of human trafficking.

“Tragically, child trafficking is a very real and serious problem across the globe, one that demands action,” Paulsen said.  “This bill takes important steps to protect the millions of children around the world who are victims of human trafficking through a combination of new strategies, technical and financial assistance, and the targeting of specific countries where the problem is rampant.”

The bill, which would be administered by the State Department’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, would supplement the office’s current efforts to provide assistance around the world.  It would designate a few, select “focus countries,” developing anti-trafficking of children strategies and programs targeted on the country’s particular challenges, as well as work with them to meet eradication goals through technical and financial assistance. 

The bill also includes measures to ensure accountability and transparency in the use of funding and the achievement of the legislation’s goals.

For more information on Congressman Paulsen’s work, please visit
