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Paulsen Commends Administration on U.S.-Colombia Trade Pact


Paulsen Commends Administration on U.S.-Colombia Trade Pact
Agreement Will Continue Trade Relationship with Colombia, Find New Customers to Boost Our Economy

Washington, D.C. –Representative Erik Paulsen (MN-03) released the following statement in regards to the Administration’s announcements that negotiations have yielded a trade agreement between the United States and Colombia:

“Increased trade, new sales and new customers are a proven way to create jobs. In Minnesota alone, more than 740,000 jobs depend on trade,” said Paulsen. “The agreement reached yesterday will level the playing field for American businesses, aid in our economic recovery and allow the United States to compete to win. I commend the Administration and Trade Ambassador Ron Kirk for their work, and I urge them to move quickly with the technical aspects of the bill so that Congress can vote on all three pending trade agreements no later than July 1.”

Paulsen, a champion of small business and advocate of free enterprise, entrepreneurship, and innovation currently serves on the House Ways and Means Committee, and is co-chair of the Congressional Korea-U.S. Free Trade Working Group and co-chair of the House Medical Technology Caucus.

For more information on Rep. Paulsen’s work in Congress, please visit
