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Paulsen Co-Sponsors Bill to Showcase Actual Cost of Cap-and-Trade

Paulsen Co-Sponsors Bill to Showcase Actual Cost of Cap-and-Trade

Bill Would Require Itemization on Utility Bill of Taxes Brought by Cap and Trade

WASHINGTON  - With the U.S. House set to vote on “cap and trade” legislation, Congressman Erik Paulsen (MN-03) has joined several colleagues in co-sponsoring The Cap and Trade Disclosure Act, a bill that would require utility companies to separately itemize the impact of cap-and-trade taxes on the utility bills of every American.  Under this proposal, consumers would be able to easily identify the actual cost that cap-and-trade policies have on electricity costs. 

“The cap-and-trade bill is a massive tax increase on the American people,” said Paulsen.  “If Congress is going to pass this legislation, every effort should be made to ensure Minnesotans, and all Americans, know the actual cost for them and their families.  Regardless of where you stand on cap and trade as a policy, we should all agree that transparency and full disclosure are right for American taxpayers. ”

According to analyses, this bill could not only increase gas prices by up to 77 cents per gallon, it would increase overall energy costs for Minnesotans from as much as $300 to $3,100 per year. 

For more information on Paulsen’s work in Congress, please visit
