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Erik's Correspondence Corner: The President's Budget Proposal


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 17th, 2011

Erik's Correspondence Corner: The President’s Budget Proposal

Washington, D.C. – The President released his budget proposal this week, calling for higher taxes, record level spending increases, and more debt. Representative Erik Paulsen (MN-03), member of the Ways and Means Committee, continued his weekly conversation with constituents by answering questions sent in from Minnetonka and Greenfield regarding the President’s budget and its effect on Minnesotans.
Each week, Representative Paulsen receives thousands of letters, emails, tweets, Facebook posts, and phone calls from constituents voicing their opinions. Through this video series, Representative Paulsen will regularly respond to constituent correspondence on a variety of topics. 


View the video response HERE
“The President has proposed a budget that is not serious, but there are serious consequences.”
“We simply have to stop spending money we don’t have.”
“The medical device tax is a ticking time bomb – impacting 35,000 jobs in Minnesota alone .”

