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Erik's Correspondence Corner: Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect & Reforming The Tax Code


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 7th, 2012

Erik's Correspondence Corner:

Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect & Reforming The Tax Code

Washington, D.C. – Rep. Erik Paulsen (MN-03) took time this week to continue his weekly video conversation with his constituents by answering questions sent in from around the district. Congressman Paulsen answers a question sent in from Illena in Wayzata regarding work to combat deaths attributed to child abuse and neglect. 

This week, Rep. Paulsen held a telephone town hall meeting with more than 15,000 Minnesotans. Although he could not get to all of the more than 200 questions during the call, Rep. Paulsen offered a direct answer to a question submitted by John in Edina regarding the tax code. 

Each week, Representative Paulsen receives thousands of letters, emails, tweets, Facebook posts, and phone calls from constituents voicing their opinions. Through this video series, Representative Paulsen regularly responds to constituent correspondence on a variety of topics. 


    Watch this week’s video here. 


Rep. Paulsen on Child Neglect and Abuse

“There are about 1500 children that are documented to have died at the hands of neglect and abuse back in 2010. Reports estimate that’s a low number, it’s probably much higher.”

“There is no doubt when you lose a child that is tragic, but it is no doubt at all that we should not be losing children at the hands of someone who is supposed to be caring for that child.”

Rep. Paulsen on Reforming the Tax Code

“We need to reform the tax code. It hasn’t been done since 1986. A part of that is not only simplicity and fairness, but making the tax code competitive.”

“We need to make sure we keep our headquartered companies in Minnesota and in the United States, and will make sure we keep the innovation in the United States.”
