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Erik's Correspondence Corner: Minnesota National Guard & Trade with the European Union


Erik's Correspondence Corner: Minnesota National Guard & Trade with the European Union

Keeping the lines of communication open with constituents

Washington, D.C. – Representative Erik Paulsen (MN-03) continued his weekly constituent video conversation today by answering questions sent in from across the district regarding recent detrimental changes to Minnesota National Guard leave rules, as well as questions on how trade affects jobs in Minnesota. 

Each week, Representative Paulsen receives thousands of letters, emails, tweets, Facebook posts, and phone calls from constituents voicing their opinions. Through this video series, Representative Paulsen will regularly respond to constituent correspondence on a variety of topics. 

Watch this week’s video here.

On Changes to Minnesota National Guard Paid Leave 

“The Minnesota delegation stepped in to say that is wrong, because these are benefits that were not only promised, but were earned. So we passed legislation, lead by John Kline and the whole Minnesota delegation bipartisanly to make sure these benefits will be provided. It’s simple, it’s straight forward, now we need to make sure we get that through the Senate and also to the President because we need to make sure we keep our promises to our nation’s veterans and their families.”

On how trade supports Minnesota Jobs

“We have a great opportunity in Minnesota knowing that trade has been a huge opportunity to grow jobs; 60,000 jobs are directly related to trade in Minnesota. In our district alone, over $5 billion dollars of merchandise is sold as a component of trade.”

“Just this week the Colombia trade agreement took effect. Now Minnesota companies, or American companies can sell into Colombia at lower tarrif rates, so we have leveled the playing field, finally, for American workers and our companies here at home.”
