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Erik's Correspondence Corner: Fiscal Cliff & Trade with Russia

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 16th, 2012

Erik's Correspondence Corner:

Fiscal Cliff & Trade with Russia 

Work in a Bipartisan Manner towards Tax Reform

Washington, D.C. – In the first post-election installment of his weekly video conversation, Representative Erik Paulsen (MN-03) took time to answer questions sent in from around the district regarding important initiatives currently before Congress. Rep. Paulsen starts off this week’s edition with a message of thanks to his constituents for entrusting him with the privilege of representing them in Washington. Debbie in Minnetonka wrote in with the first question sharing her thoughts on the looming “fiscal cliff,” tax hikes, and out-of-control spending. Also, Pam from Maple Grove, Jason in Rogers, and others, wrote in with questions about trade legislation which passed in the House this week.  

Each week, Representative Paulsen receives thousands of letters, emails, tweets, Facebook posts, and phone calls from constituents voicing their opinions. Through this video series, Representative Paulsen regularly responds to constituent correspondences on a variety of topics.           

Watch this week’s video here. 

Rep. Paulsen on the Fiscal Cliff

“The only way to avoid what could be another recession is to work in a bipartisan fashion to reform our outdated tax code – making it fairer, simpler, and more competitive – and enact much needed spending cuts.”

“What is referred to as the fiscal cliff is – in reality – a jobs cliff – threatening, by some estimates, 710,000 American jobs.”

“The Election may be over, but critical challenges still face our nation, and Minnesotans now look to Congress for bipartisan action.”

Rep. Paulsen on Trade with Russia

“I cosponsored the bill because our state has a lot at stake in extending trade with Russia.”

“Our state exports more than $71 million in goods to Russia – directly supporting hundreds of jobs right here in our community.”

“Measures like this will continue to work towards ensuring our job creators stay competitive abroad and create jobs at home.”
