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Erik's Correspondence Corner: Education Reform & The Estate Tax

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 14th, 2012

Erik's Correspondence Corner:

Education Reform & The Estate Tax 

Minnesota Has Lead The Way in School Choice

Washington, D.C. – In the most recent installment of his weekly video conversation with neighbors, Representative Erik Paulsen (MN-03) took time to answer questions sent in from around the district regarding important initiatives currently before Congress. Mike, a student from Jefferson Senior High School, wrote in with his concerns regarding school choice and education reform. Marian from Edina emailed in with her thoughts on the estate tax. 

Each week, Representative Paulsen receives thousands of letters, emails, tweets, Facebook posts, and phone calls from constituents voicing their opinions. Through this video series, Representative Paulsen regularly responds to constituent correspondences on a variety of topics.        

Watch this week’s video here.

On Education Reform

“My daughters just started school recently, my wife teaches in school as well - so education issues are near and dear to my heart.”

“I successfully passed an amendment not long ago in the House to a bill that improves charter schools and gives more options for charter schools.”

On the Estate Tax

“If Congress does fail to act the [Estate] tax rate will jump from 35% to 55%. And this really impacts farmers in Minnesota, it impacts ranchers across the country, and also most importantly it impacts small business owners who have built up a business, who want to pass that business on to the next generation.”

“I am working as a part of a bipartisan group and coalition to stop the estate tax hike that would happen at the end of the year.”
