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Erik's Correspondence Corner: Cutting Red Tape & Auditing the Fed


Erik's Correspondence Corner:

Cutting Red Tape & Auditing the Fed

“I think that it is very important to bring more openness and transparency to the Federal Reserve.”

Washington, D.C. – In the most recent installment of his weekly video conversation with neighbors, Representative Erik Paulsen (MN-03) took time to answer questions sent in from around the district regarding important initiatives currently before Congress. Sheryl in Rogers wrote in this week asking what Washington is doing to cut down on regulations that are hurting American small businesses. Patty in Deephaven wrote in about recent legislation to audit the Federal Reserve. 

Each week, Representative Paulsen receives thousands of letters, emails, tweets, Facebook posts, and phone calls from constituents voicing their opinions. Through this video series, Representative Paulsen regularly responds to constituent correspondences on a variety of topics. 

Watch this week’s video here.

On the Regulatory Freeze for Jobs Act 

“There’s no doubt that we need sensible rules, but we also know – and I hear a very consistent message from small, medium, and large businesses alike – that the bureaucracy and regulations coming out of Washington have become too intrusive, too expansive, and also too expensive.”  

On “Audit the Fed” bill

“I think that it is very important to bring more openness and transparency to the Federal Reserve.”   
