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Congressman Erik Paulsen Statement on Veteran's Day:

Congressman Erik Paulsen Statement on Veteran’s Day:

 Veteran’s Day is truly a day in which we remember the cost of freedom.  The freedoms we enjoy today are the result of over two centuries of sacrifice by our men and women of the Armed Forces.   Each time our nation has called, our veterans have stood up and shown the world the very best of America.  Many have given their lives in the defense and protection of freedom.  While this ultimate sacrifice is something we can never truly repay, it is something we must honor each and every day. 
As we celebrate Veteran’s Day tomorrow, please take time to stop and reflect on the great sacrifices made throughout America’s history by our men and women in uniform.  Let us also keep the victims of the terrible tragedy at Fort Hood, as well as their families, in our prayers. 
To the veterans of the Third District, Minnesota and the United States:  thank you for your service.  Please know that I take seriously the commitment the United States has made to you and that meeting that commitment is and will always be one of my top priorities in Congress.