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Congressman Erik Paulsen Statement on Cap and Trade Legislation

Congressman Erik Paulsen Statement on Cap and Trade Legislation


CONTACT: Luke Friedrich (952) 405-8510 or Andrew Foxwell (202) 225-2871

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Erik Paulsen issued the following statement regarding far-reaching “cap and trade” legislation (H.R. 2454), which was voted on today by the U.S. House of Representatives. 

“Reducing emissions and strengthening our environment are important priorities that I support.  However, the “cap and trade” bill before us today is the wrong approach to addressing this issue.  This bill places a massive national energy tax on every resident of the 3rd District, as well as all Americans.  Additionally, it will increase costs for everything from electricity to gasoline to everyday goods, while also eliminating jobs and making America less competitive around the globe. 

In the midst of the worst economy in over 70 years, this legislation will only exacerbate the situation by increasing energy costs for every sector of our economy.  America needs a comprehensive energy solution to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and jump-start our economy, but it should not be at the expense of jobs or the American taxpayer.”

Paulsen is a co-sponsor of comprehensive energy legislation that would:

- Extend alternative and renewable energy production and investment tax credits to build clean energy infrastructure for American-produced energy such as solar, wind, biomass, landfill gas, hydropower and wave technology, among many others.

- Boost domestic supplies of energy by exploring in the Outer Continental Shelf.

- Provide funding for Carbon Free Technology and nuclear energy - a zero emissions, renewable base-load energy source.
