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Memories of Michigan Veterans Preserved Through Project

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Tim Walberg has joined with the Library of Congress to preserve the memories of our American war veterans through the Veteran’s History Project.  The program will connect Michigan’s veterans with volunteers and family members who will record the personal narratives through audio, visual or written accounts and store them in the Library of Congress’ archives.  

The project is open to veterans of any war and to those who were actively involved in war efforts, including war industry workers, USO workers, flight instructors, medical volunteers, etc.  Family members may also compile collections of original materials such as journals, diaries, letters and photographs to honor deceased veterans from WWI through the current conflicts.  

“This program digs up and dusts off priceless memories from our nation’s veterans, preserving them for future generations.  It also gives a better understanding what it’s like to serve and the historical content of the wars these men and women served in.  But maybe more importantly--it reminds us how much our veterans sacrificed to defend our country,” said Congressman Walberg.

Veterans who want to participate, as well as volunteers wishing to conduct interviews should call the district office in Jackson at 517-780-9075.   
For more information about the Veterans History Project visit http://www.loc.gov/vets/.