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Release: Rep. Connolly Statement on Resignation of Egyptian President Mubarak

Congressman Gerry Connolly, a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the Middle East and South Asia Subcommittee, released the following statement in response to the resignation of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak:

Today’s announcement by Egyptian President Mubarak that he is stepping aside marks an extraordinary moment in Egyptian history and a significant and substantive victory for the Egyptian people.

The Egyptian people have found a new voice through the power of human dignity and nonviolent protest.  I applaud those who spent nearly two weeks in Tahrir Square for their valiant efforts, their persistence, their fervor, and their willingness to put their lives on the line to effect change in Egypt.

As they strive to bring democratic principles to their country and advance universal human rights, it is important that our nation assist as we can, with a deft but steady hand, to assist the Egyptian people in making their hopes and aspirations a reality. 

The transition to a new Egyptian government will not be easy and will not take place overnight.  I am hopeful that the new government will be a secular one that shares our democratic ideals and the ideals of the Egyptian people, and will remain a strong ally of the United States.

President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton deserve praise for their handling of the difficult and complex chain of events that took place in Egypt over the last two weeks.