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Release: Gainesville Town Meeting Draws 400

Congressman Connolly and a panel that included experts from AARP, the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association, and the Prince William Area Agency on Aging made presentations and answered citizens questions on health care reform for more than 90 minutes at a Connolly Town Meeting in Gainesville.

Connolly fielded numerous questions from the 400 participants at the meeting held at the Heritage Hunt community and he and the panel of experts worked to debunk myths about reform proposals currently being discussed in Congress.

Connolly said he has not endorsed any bill, but believes that deficit-neutral health care reform, which allows citizens to maintain their current insurance coverage is necessary because the current health care system is not sustainable.

Connolly also reiterated the importance of insuring that Medicare is improved and not damaged by any proposal before Congress.