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Release: Connolly Announces $400,000 Grant to Combat Domestic Violence

Congressman Gerry Connolly announced today that Fairfax County is receiving a $400,000 federal grant under the Violence Against Women Act for a program that oversees supervised visitation and safe exchanges of children between parents in situations involving domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault, and stalking.

The grant from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Violence Against Women will be administered by Fairfax County in collaboration with the Fairfax County Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court Services Unit, the Women’s Center, the Foundation for Appropriate and Immediate Temporary Help (FAITH), and the Fairfax County General Court.

Here is the Justice Department’s complete description of the program and the grant:

The Safe Havens: Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Grant Program (Supervised Visitation Program) was authorized as a two-year pilot program under the Violence Against Women Act of 2000 to increase supervised visitation and exchange options for families with a history of domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault or stalking. The Program was reauthorized in 2005 with the passage of the Violence Against Women Act 2005. Eligible applicants for the program include states, Indian tribal governments, and units of local government.

By statute, projects funded under the Supervised Visitation Program must demonstrate expertise in the area of family violence, provide a sliding fee scale for clients, demonstrate adequate security measures, and prescribe standards and protocols by which supervised visitation or safe exchanges will occur.

Fairfax County and its collaborative partners, the Fairfax County Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court Services Unit, The Women’s Center, the Foundation for Appropriate and Immediate Temporary Help (FAITH), and the Fairfax County Court, will use this 36 month cooperative agreement to develop and implement supervised visitation and safe exchanges of children by and between parents in situations involving domestic violence, dating violence, child abuse, sexual assault, and/or stalking.

During the initial 12 months of the project, the partners will use OVW funds to conduct a needs assessment and develop a strategic plan to provide visitation services (based on the identified needs). Additional goals during the planning/development phase will include identifying and implementing security procedures; establishing a consulting committee; and developing operating policies and procedures.

After development activities have been completed, project partners will begin implementing visitation and exchange services. Specific activities during this stage will include developing a referral system; increasing communication with the local court; and creating a training program for center staff and community service providers.

Fairfax County will act as the fiscal and implementing agency for the grant project.