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Connolly Urges House to Oppose AG Holder Contempt Citation



Congressman Gerry Connolly took to the House floor today to urge his colleagues to vote against the unprecedented partisan contempt citation against Attorney General Eric Holder.  A vote in the House is scheduled for Thursday.

“The majority’s irresponsible and unprecedented contempt vote is just another sad chapter in our recent institutional decline,” Connolly said.  “I implore my colleagues to give careful consideration as to whether we truly want the 112th Congress to become the first in the history of the United States to hold a sitting cabinet member in contempt of Congress.”

Connolly, a member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee which passed the contempt citation on a party-line vote, said, “Further negotiations with the Department of Justice and Attorney General Holder are clearly available if we want a solution.  I urge my colleagues to join me in restoring honor and dignity to the House of Representatives by opposing the nuclear option -- the contempt citation.”

Floor Statement of Congressman Gerald E. Connolly
Opposing Contempt Citation against Attorney General Holder
Mister Speaker, tomorrow we risk bringing dishonor to this House.
For Members who revere Congress as the Legislative Branch, the majority’s irresponsible and unprecedented contempt vote is just another sad chapter in our recent institutional decline.  I implore my colleagues to give careful consideration as to whether we truly want the 112th Congress to become the first in the history of the United States to hold a sitting cabinet member in contempt of Congress. 
Do we really want our legacy to be establishing one of the most partisan House of Representatives of all time, so clouded in judgment, so besotted with rancor and partisanship, that we are incapable of addressing vital separation of powers conflicts in a serious and fair fashion?
Further negotiations with the Department of Justice and Attorney General Holder are clearly available if we want a solution.  I urge my colleagues to join me in restoring honor and dignity to the House of Representatives by opposing the nuclear option: the contempt citation.