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Pelosi Remarks at The Girl Scouts of the USA 100th Anniversary Congressional Reception

Washington, D.C. - Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi delivered remarks today during a reception commemorating the 100th Anniversary of The Girl Scouts of the USA: 

“Thank you very much, my name is Nancy Pelosi and I'm a Representative from California.  I have the privilege of serving as the House Democratic Leader, and I'm honored to be here in this very bipartisan, from both parties, bicameral, from both sides of the Capitol, group of people coming here to wish you a happy birthday, on your 100th birthday to the Girl Scouts.

“I'm pleased to be here with the Dean of women in the Senate of the United States, Congresswoman--I said, Congresswoman--she used to be a Congresswoman, Senator Barbara Mikulski of Maryland.  And, I understand, that among many of these girl scouts who are here today, Senator, many are from Baltimore.  That's what I understand.

“And she's joined by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison from Texas, a Republican member, Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez of California. 

“I'm going to introduce in a moment, Congresswoman Shelley Moore Capito, Congresswoman Donna Edwards, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Congressman Thompson from Pennsylvania, I don't know if they have been introduced before, but I think they can agree that they are here and we are honored to join Connie Lindsey--thank you, Connie, for your great leadership--the highest ranking volunteer in the Girl Scouts.  Isn't that wonderful?  We're all in your debt. 

“And weren't we inspired by Anna Maria Chávez's comments, the CEO of the Girl Scouts, encouraging you to play your role, and to ensure that that will happen. 

“Let me say, that many of us, when we think of Girl Scouts, we think of three Cs: camping, crafts and of course, cookies.  But I know that there are three other Cs that are very important to you as well.  C, the courage.  The courage to act, the confidence to achieve, and third of all, the character to change the world.  That's part of what the Girl Scouts are.

“That is the significance of the ‘To-Get-Her-There' campaign.  Nice play on words--to get her there, together there.  And we're all here to sign the pledge.  My simple message to you, as a leader in the House of Representatives, is that we need you here, so I hope you will be thinking about a path that will take you to public service.  Whether it's to be involved in an issue in your community, whether it is to support a friend who may want to run for office, or to take that responsibility yourselves. 

“I always say to young girls, ‘Know your power.  There's nobody like you.'  You have a very unique contribution to make.  We are all standing on the shoulders, as Secretary Sebelius said, and I'm honored that she was here representing the Administration, Secretary Sebelius.  Remarkable to hear you tell of all of the women working together to make the future better for our country.  But what you said, was that, we're talking about glass ceilings, we're talking about marble ceilings, we are standing on the shoulders of many who came before.  You are standing on our shoulders, others will stand on yours.  Nothing is more wholesome, and makes our country better, than the participation of women in politics and in government. 

“So, we're all here to wish you a happy birthday, and let's just say that we will all do our best to help girls in our country achieve their dreams, and that's what America is about, the American dream.  So thank you, Girl Scouts!  Congratulations and happy birthday, to all of you. 

“And now, I'm thrilled to yield the floor--that's how we talk here--to yield the floor to my friend and distinguished colleague, from West Virginia, Shelley Moore Capito.”