I Want to Hear From You

Unless Congress acts, hitting the so-called “fiscal cliff” would have a devastating impact on our community, raising taxes, slashing funding to our schools and ending unemployment compensation.

As you know, I believe it is in reaching out and finding compromise that we find a way to move forward, keep our economy on the right track, and increase employment for hardworking people in Missouri’s Fifth District. I remain committed to the notion that ALL Americans should receive a tax cut on incomes up to $250,000. I also believe Social Security is an earned benefit, not an entitlement and should not be included in any talks of cuts.

According to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, going over the fiscal cliff would raise the unemployment rate from 7.9% to 9.1 % in the coming year. We cannot let this happen. We have seen 30 consecutive months of steady private sector job growth and our economy is rebounding. Under sequestration, many agencies would face dramatic cuts that would not be efficient or strategic. This would result in a loss of jobs, and a loss of the ability to serve critical functions that make a real difference in people’s lives. You can learn more about it in the analysis by the House Budget Committee Democrats, available here.

There are tough decisions ahead that need to be made. This is not a time for political games, harsh partisanship, or digging in and refusing to listen to valid ideas brought to the table. The proverbial can cannot be kicked down the road any longer.

What do you think Congress should do to avoid these cuts?

As your Representative in Congress, I want to hear from you!
Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required.
Email Address*
First Name
Last Name
What do you think Congress should do to avoid these cuts?
Have you heard of the “fiscal cliff?

Are you aware that middle class families could see their taxes increase by an average of $2,200?

Would you favor a plan to prevent taxes on middle class families from rising, by raising taxes on those earning more than $1 million per year?

What is the most important priority you want to see protected during fiscal cliff negotiations?

*By responding, you are agreeing to receive periodic email updates from Congressman Cleaver. Your email address will only be used for this purpose and will not be shared with anyone.